Onyx Equities Onyx Equities
Major NJ Real Estate firm upgrades its HVAC

Onyx Equities is a major NJ-based real estate investment and property services firm headquartered in Woodbridge. Over the past few years, Evco Mechanical has been steadily replacing decades old rooftop hardware at several Onyx property locations around the state.
Long before the removal and replacement process began at 650 From Rd. in Paramus, NJ, there was over a year and a half of very detailed planning. The condensing units, air handlers, duct work, piping-all the hardware-was purchased over a year and a half ago because of the necessary lead times.
A rebate program through PSE&G that covered a large part of the financing was also arranged for the client by Evco Mechanical. The PSE&G rebate program financially supports companies that install energy efficient AC systems.
The all important pre-planning and follow through in all areas of the operation, not to mention the actual installation and servicing of the new systems, is the core strength of Evco Mechanical. It’s part of their “all under one roof” philosophy, and why over 170 businesses across northern new jersey have chosen Evco Mechanical.